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Danish Hygge to African Ubuntu – 5 World Philosophies to Live By


If you’ve ever broken your favorite coffee mug or special bowl and felt a pang of sadness having to throw it away then the philosophy of Wabi-Sabi may provide some solace and enlightenment. Wabi-Sabi is the Japanese idea of finding beauty in impermanence and imperfection. In Japan those practicing the aesthetic view of Wabi-Sabi will repair cracks in broken objects with gold or other artistic techniques so that what was once a flaw becomes a beautiful focus. The philosophy extends beyond physical objects and encourages simplicity, elegance and acceptance of the growth and decay in the cycle of life as well as in the self. The next time you don’t feel whole or broken, think about Wabi-Sabi; finding perfection in imperfection.


This Danish idea has become quite popular as our society is starting to welcome much needed self-care. Hygge or the Danish way of living includes surrounding yourself with warmth – fireplace and a cozy blanket, a warm drink and a good book. However, this philosophy is more than mere physical comforts and rather the feeling of warmth that is created when we are surrounded by those we love with good conversation, food and a feeling of internal joy and contentment. The hygge idea is perfect for this fall and winter season, where we tend to open up to the idea of slowing down and appreciating the simpler things in life.

Dohl Kadum

The Pashtun philosophy of Dohl Kadum is shared by Pakistanis and Persians alike where the dohl or drum is a versatile instrument used in celebrations, to rally soldiers or herald the arrival of guests. This philosophy comes from the proverb: “Don’t dance without a drum” which suggests that one should start everything big or small with great intention, purpose and meaning and of course, to have the gusto of a beating drum.


The philosophy of Ubuntu comes from South Africa though it is popular all across the African continent. Ubuntu means humankind but the Ubuntu philosophy is: “I am because we are.” It holds the teaching that we are all connected and that kindness and compassion towards one another is essential for a community. Some Nguni Bantu tribes were said to observe a tradition of speaking of the good works of a person who misbehaved or did wrong, to remind that person of their humanity. The individual would not be shamed and their act or crime would be seen as a call for help from the tribe. Ubuntu is about community, sharing and good will towards one another. Trying to empathize with people and offering help is Ubuntu and we can all benefit from it.

Dolce far Niente

“The sweetness of doing nothing” is like music to most of our ears, however difficult it is to implement it into our busy lives. The Italians bring us this covetous philosophy which tells us to bask in the moment and learn to un-task our lives. Dolce far niente is the art of doing nothing and finding enjoyment in being idle. Having the Tuscan sun shone upon our faces would certainly help us achieve that sweetness but anyone anywhere can cultivate it by learning to slow things down such as sipping a drink slowly, taking a phone hiatus and simply sitting and observing the sweetness of life.

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