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My Biggest Fitness Secret…and it’s not yoga.

At a recent party I attended, I saw an old acquaintance I hadn’t seen in a year. We smiled brightly at one another from a distance until we got a chance to mingle our way to each other. I was halfway into my hello to her, when she pulled me by the arm and said “Look at you! You must be on, some diet?!?” The question was rhetorical and mildly offensive. Immediately, I thought, was I a whale the last she saw me? But I smiled graciously, without response. My lack of answer was adequate for her since, she like many people who’ve questioned me on the topic are convinced that being on some mysterious diet has trimmed inches from my waistline. Never mind, the actual reason.

Yoga creates flexibility in my body and mind but it has NOT been a major factor in weight loss.

Of course, not everyone I know asks questions awaiting preconceived answers. This article on Voicebowl is for those truth seekers. Before the big reveal I would like to add that there are many factors that help me and others stay fit. A person with a naturally slender physique may be more able to credit their genetic makeup for their body type. However, it should be noted that slender frame or not I, like many mothers suffered from the baby weight that stayed glued to me well into my children’s terrible twos. Until, I pulled out my secret arsenal. Along with genetics somewhat on my side, my practice of hot and pranic yoga with special attention to binds keeps my muscles longer and leaner than most. Even though yoga can be an excellent calorie burning tool, for me yoga creates flexibility in my body and mind but it has NOT been a major factor in weight loss.

I’ve also always believed that those with taste buds that beckon savory over sweet have an upper hand in the fitness and weight loss game. It’s certainly been true for me. The empty calories generally found in sugary desserts and treats don’t aid in any fitness regimen (read below for sweet tooth study findings). Lastly, choosing to eat only what I absolutely love vs. something like a subpar slice of birthday cake out of obligation can make a real difference in your healthy eating habits and number on the scale. But it’s still not my big fitness secret!

The Big Fitness Secret

Readers, my lifetime fitness secret is simple yet effective. Take a pause, listen and allow yourself to abandon the idea that fitness equals sweat, tears or constant dieting. My Grande fitness secret is WALKING. Good ole’ fashion walking. Walk anywhere, everywhere, mindfully. Yes, it’s simple but all good things in life needenth be difficult. We just choose to complicate fitness either as sadistic penance or because we buy into the modern idea of, no pain, no gain. Most of what works best for us humans is ancient and primal.

I started running in my teens out of the need for solace and found this outlet once more later in life when the motherhood routine wore me out and the baby weight clung to my body. Only this time, I choose to simply walk off the mental and physical baggage. I continue to do so twice a week for a duration of 45 mins each walk, 4 miles with one big incline for an added cardiovascular challenge. This may seem like a lot of walking but remember it’s not running, not lifting weights, or pretzel-ing your body but simply walking in nature, your town or city; taking in sights, sounds, scents or simply listening to music. The Department of Health and Human Services suggests at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity for able adults and my total 90 minutes of walking makes up a big portion of my fitness routine.

Walking Benefits: Sweet tooth curbing and lower breast cancer risk

There are countless benefits to walking such as strengthening the heart and immune system, stress reduction and increased energy but lesser known yet powerful benefits such as the study by the American Cancer Society that showed women who walked more than seven hours a week lowered their risk of breast cancer by 14% than those who walked three hours or less. This included women with higher breast cancer risk factors (1).

Lower your risk of breast cancer by simply walking.

Have a sweet tooth?

Remember my aversion to sweets? Well this may explain it and help those of you crippled by a sweet tooth. A University of Exeter study found that a 15-minute walk could curb chocolate cravings and also minimize how much chocolate you eat in stressful moments (2). More recent research even verifies that walking reduces cravings to many other sugary treats as well.

Walk to curb cravings for chocolate and sweets.

Studies aside, I know how I feel on my stress reducing and endorphin inducing walks: I notice my hair drumming against my back in rhythm to my gait. At the steep incline on those already scorching SoCal summer mornings, I know I’ll find shade just around the bend near the orange blossomed trees. I marvel at the thought that my mind and body can be this in sync. When walking, we can point ourselves in the direction of our destination and strategically place one foot in front of another the way a baby takes its first steps. Not a mere stumbling to gain balance but a summoning of its strength to make a change; to propel, to move, to walk and achieve a most primordial ability. A simple step requiring a complex process of neurons and chemical signals to achieve the simple and humbling act of walking.

With my biggest fitness secret, I am sharing with you my source of pleasure and success. Simple walking is for those seeking time for themselves while streamlining both mind and body; abandoning the cut throat and short-lived ideas that suggest fitness must be grueling. I am suggesting that you plant your feet at your own starting line and let each footstep thereof echo of strength. It is innate and it is freeing.

An absolute must is practicing counter postures to walking to counter act repetitive movements that can sometimes lead to inflexibilty and injury. Make the exercises in the article: Yoga Postures Just for Her a priority (hip flexor postures, perfect for runners and walkers).


(1) Hildebrand, J. S., Gapstur, S. M., Campbell, P. T., Goudet, M. M., & Patel, A. V. (2013). Recreational Physical Activity and Leisure-Time Sitting in Relation to Postmenopausal Breast Cancer Risk. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers, and Prevention. (2) Taylor, A. H., & Oliver, A. J. (2008). Acute effects of brisk walking on urges to eat chocolate, affect, and responses to a stressor and chocolate cue. An experimental study. Appetite.

4 thoughts on “My Biggest Fitness Secret…and it’s not yoga.”

  1. I love this! Redefining fitness (aka it doesn’t have to equal sweat). Mainstream society has really distorted what exercise really means. This is a good reminder for me when I feel like I haven’t exercised enough because I am not sweating!

    1. Happy this resonated with you! And yes, sometimes I think the entire goal of mainstream culture is to make women feel like we aren’t doing or are enough. Let’s change that!

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