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At Home Facial Hair Removal for Women

Have you ever sat in front of the mirror, putting on your makeup when all of a sudden you see a dark, coarse, curly hair glancing back at you? Or worse, when you’re applying your foundation but no matter how much you put on you just can’t cover up your mustache? Let’s face it, we all want a smooth canvas, clear of any blemishes and especially prickly hairs! For many of us, hair removal is part of our beauty routine. This topic isn’t discussed openly among most women, but we all have the same questions. How do you get rid of unwanted facial hair? Each woman may approach this differently, but I wanted to share some of the methods I’ve tried. These techniques do not permanently remove the hair. For permanent results, you’d have to get laser hair removal and I’ll talk about that in a future article. Let’s dive into the various methods you can do at home.


Waxing is my go-to for removing my mustache or the few hairs that pop up on my chin. I also like to use wax for cleaning up my eyebrows. There are several types of wax out there and waxing works best when the hair is at least ¼ inch long.

How it Works:

I have found that hot wax works best for my skin. I use the Sally Hansen All Over Wax Kit. I must warn you; this wax can get very messy if you’re not careful! You simply heat up the wax in the microwave for the specified time. Using the included wooden stick, spread the wax over the area you are waxing. Apply the included strip over the wax then pull off the strip in the opposite direction of the hair growth while holding the skin taut. If you have sensitive skin, try using cold wax like Veet Ready to use Wax Strips. They are gentler on the skin and only need to be warmed with your natural body temperature. Some side effects you may experience with waxing is redness in the area you’ve waxed or bumps. Results after waxing can last anywhere from 2-4 weeks.


I’m sure many of you have heard from your mom or aunts that if you shave your face, the hair will grow back coarse like a man.  Dermatologists and other experts say that’s just not true! Shaving cuts the tip of the hair off so when the hair grows back, it can appear darker or coarser. This method is my least favorite, but it is a quick option if you’re pressed for time.

How it works:

You’ll want to use a sharp razor and soap or shaving cream. Replace the razor often as they can get dull fairly quick. Shaving will cut the hair close to the skin. You can also use a dermaplaning like razor like this one, that is typically used dry. It has also been said that this tool is good for exfoliating the skin. Unfortunately, results with shaving don’t last more than a day or two. Side effects can include in-grown hairs and bumps.


Threading is an age-old technique that can be traced back to Eastern countries. It is considered a newer method to the Western part of the world. What I like about threading is that it’s quick and precise. While it can take time, you can learn to thread your own eyebrows or any part of your face.

How it Works:

You’ll want to use a cotton thread that has the thickness of dental floss. Cut approximately an 18-inch piece of thread and make a knot at the ends. Put one hand inside each end of the looped thread then turn your hand about three times so the thread can twist around your hand. Now, make scissor like motions with your hands and move them across your face. It’s much easier to grasp the process if you watch a how-to video on YouTube. Because threading pulls the hair from the root, results can last for weeks. Threading is one of the gentler forms of hair removal, but side effects can include redness and some irritation.


Epilators can be used on the face but there isn’t much precision so I would not recommend using it around your eyebrows. I would compare an epilator to tweezing except you can cover more territory at once, unlike with tweezers where you’re pulling one hair at a time. Even though I’ve tried the epilator, I don’t prefer it for the face. It’s better for removing hair from areas like arms and underarms.

How it Works:

Using an epilator is very simple. You just turn it on and move the epilator in the opposite direction of the hair growth. Results with epilators last longer than shaving but not as long as waxing or threading. Be sure to exfoliate before using an epilator as side effects can include in-grown hairs, bumps and redness.

Cream Hair Bleach

Even though cream hair bleach is not a removal method, I still wanted to talk about it because there might be some parts of your face where you have peach fuzz but don’t want to wax or shave. For example, some women have side burns and are too scared to remove the hair. Bleaching the hair is a great alternative because it can make the hairs appear lighter and almost invisible. You must be careful and always do a small test patch, especially if you have dark hair. With dark hair, the bleach can make the hairs turn orange if left on too long.

Always consult a medical professional if you experience any abnormal irritation after hair removal. Women with hormonal conditions should always consult a physician prior to trying any hair removal method.

6 thoughts on “At Home Facial Hair Removal for Women”

  1. Hi, being this is the only article on hair removal here and being me a male, I can guess it’s not strictly about facial hair. I say thanks for exposing so honestly advantages and downfalls of all methods, as the moment comes for most of us, when we notice undesired hair on a new zone of our body, men and women, to choose which method is best for us and which downside we can most serenely live with from then on and what any of us find less annoying and which advantage more worth it, which is so incredibly personal :). I know some women and men who even shave their arms, while others wax everything including their underarms, ouchy! But what’s great is they find it worth it and barely feel pain as hair got thinner with time.
    Yeah definitely hair get nowhere near that much thicker just for shaving and certainly not like a man, if you shave your face as a woman, no worries :). In some cases one might be more sensitive to normal hormone levels, nothing wrong with it alghough it can be annoying, but no woman needs to be a perfect doll. Typically markedly masculine distribution is what might result from hormone imbalance, on the other hand.
    I read some who say that shaving can slightly stimulate vellus hair into terminals or thin pre terminal, but how is it possible, unless those hairs were already destined to become thicker once shed, as that would just mean the root was already thicker, that I know, be having completed their growth phase before being shaved, I think they simply shown their “true colors” as they had to grow back, yeah can be annoying, but that was bound to happen now or then, regardless of shaving, I think :).
    Others said it can even make two or more hairs grow back from the same bulb!
    “It’s true, according to Dr. Levine. “That is true that after you shave the hair does grow back thicker,” she told us. “It’s [also] true if you shave and then wax, waxing is going to hurt more because the hairs are thicker and you get two hairs growing out of one follicle sometimes. So I do like sticking to one method.” The lesson? Plan your waxing sessions accordingly if you don’t like to shave. ”
    But even then, most of the times we just keep shaving anyway regardless of how hair grows back, because we don’t want it in first place, lol. Those of us who don’t want to depilate often, usually wax, which I myself find being a great method, with some annoyance besides some pain, to consider, like wearing loose clothes and being careful with sun for almost 2 days, having to wait for a given length and periodical needs for the emergency shave which can undo some progress made, but if you value not having to think about it for weeks it’s definitely worth it and those annoyances are gonna be lived as minor, while others like being able to take hair off at any length, etc.
    Sorry for the length.

    1. Hi there! Thank you for your input. Yes there definitely are annoyances with any hair removal because there is an upkeep to maintain. We (men or women) have to find what works for us!

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